Sony Want PS3 Developers To Increase PS Vita's Power

Creators Of F1 2011 Are Creating A PS VITA Game

Sony are turning to existing PlayStation 3 developers to get the most out of the PlayStation Vita.

"We're a PlayStation 3 company. That's our engine, that's out technology. And really, they [Sony] were looking for PlayStation 3 developers to really milk the power out of the Vita, and I think that's definitely the right way to go because it's got a lot of power," said Nihilistic's Rob Huebner.
"It's got all the shaders, it's got a lot of CPU, so it's really not that big of a change for us to work on the Vita compared to the PS3," he added speaking to the PlayStation Blog.
Nihilistic are the company that are currently working on PS Vita game Resistance: Burning Skies, which was revealed earlier this week at Gamescom.

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