
PS3 Gets Ready For PS Vita

The Playstation 3's recent firmware update adds PS Vita support, and my god does it sound fantastic!!!!

Thanks to a tip from one of our members 'Prodigy' we now know some of the PS3 to PS Vita connectivity features.

With the Japanese PS Vita launch getting ever so close (don't worry a PS Vita launch countdown will be on the website soon!) Sony have begun preparation by implementing some awesome PS Vita to PS3 connectivity.

The first part of the update "Receive messages sent using the Group Messaging feature of the PS Vita system" is personally my favourite. What this means is that PS Vita supports "Cross Platform Chat" so if your friend is online on his PS3 playing Uncharted 3, you can message him with your PS Vita while your playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Seems quite fantastic doesn't it?

The second feature "Share content from PS3 and PS Vita systems" doesn't really tell us a lot. As the type of content which can be shared is still unknown, hopefully by content they mean sharing DLC for games such as Street Fighter X Tekken. Which has been confirmed to be able to 'Share' DLC.

The final feature "Back up various types of files saved on a PS Vita system" could be referring to the 'Cloud Save' feature which allows saving games to a virtual HDD and then accessing the saves from your PS Vita and your PS3.

So then whats your favourite update? Is it the cross game chat? Also if somebody knows what the second feature does "Share Content" please answer the question in the comment section below!