
Konami Reveal Free PS Vita Launch Title

Konami have revealed its pricing for its PS Vita launch title. And we can confirm, its not expensive.....

Konami is releasing one of the first download-only PlayStation Vita titles. AR Combat Digi Q: Friend Tank Battalion, a game conversion of Konami's own Digi Q infrared mini vehicle series, will be available exclusively via PSN on Vita launch day, December 17.

The game offers forty stages. You're going to have to pay varying amounts depending on how many of those stages you want to play. The first five stages are free. Stages 6 to 30 cost 800 yen.

Stages 31 to 35 cost 200 yen. Stages 36 to 40 also cost 200 yen.  From December 17 through January 16, Konami will be discounting the first stage pack (stages 6 to 30), from 800 yen to 500 yen.

So get ready to destroy tanks in your own kitchen using Augmented Reality!

If you are unaware of AR Combat Digi here is an old trailer to inform you on the situation.

Remember to leave your opinion on AR: Combat Digi in the comment section below please!
