
PS Vita Officially Hates Mac!

A recent interview from Impress Watch recently revealed that the PS Vita Hates Mac!!!!!

Sony Computer Entertainment Senior Vice President Yoshio Matsumoto revealed that at launch the PS Vita will not support Mac and Apple Operating Systems (OSX) if you plug your PS Vita into a Mac via USB cable, the Mac will not recognise it at all. Not even as a Mass Storage Device.

S.C.E.S.V.P Yoshio Matusumo (yes we know his title is ridiculously long) stated that to transfer and edit files within your PS Vita you will need a special program, and that program is only available for Windows at the moment. However some small editing can be done via PS3.

That guy who has a stupidly long title and name also confirmed that a Mac version of the program is coming in the near future. This is slightly disappointing as Mac has recently hit a spike in popularity and some OSX/Mac users will be disappointed.

Also that image above is an edited image of actual Uncharted: Golden Abyss gameplay and no its not a PS3 game :D

Do you have a Mac? Are you disappointed? Or were you not planning on copying movies or music to your Playstation Vita? Remember to answer these questions in the comment section below!
