
THQ Still Deciding On WWE '13 For PS Vita

Previous reports suggested that WWE '13 was not going to be available for the Playstation Vita, however THQ may be holding back an announcement, more details inside.......

A few months ago it was reported that game development team THQ were not going to release WWE '13 for the Playstation Vita however a statement from THQ reveals that their is still some hope for WWE '13 coming to the PS Vita.
THQ said back in February THQ was not planning on a PS Vita version of WWE '13. They were asked again and their answer is now "TBD" (to be decided).
Though this is not really any solid evidence, their is still some hope available for WWE enthusiasts that the PS Vita might get its very own version of WWE '13.

What are the chances of WWE '13 coming to the PS Vita? Let us know your opinion in the comments below!
