
Pachter Excited About "Big Unannounced Title"

Industry analyst Micheal Pachter has expressed his excitement for a unannounced PS Vita game which he has seen, more details inside.......

With Sony recently confirming "over 20 new gaming experiences at E3 2012" its inevitable that majority of the titles will be for PS Vita. Gaming Analyst Micheal Pachter has revealed that he has already seen one of the big PS Vita titles Sony are set to announce at E3 2012 and has said:
Here is one big title on the Vita that hasn’t been announced yet that I was pretty excited about.
Pachter around the internet is known to be a bit of a troll, so if something excites him you can be sure it will excite everybody else.

Let us know what title you think he's talking about in the comments below! Is it GTA PS Vita?
