November Japanese PS Vita sales have been on the decline recently, full sales figures inside.........
Despite a new lineup of strong software the PS Vita fails to impress Japanese gamers. The Nintendo 3DS managed to outsell the PS Vita by a massive 39:1 ratio. Full sales figures below:
- 3DS – 187,077 (93,989)
- PlayStation 3 – 18,043 (21,310)
- PSP – 12,076 (13,868)
- PlayStation Vita – 4,021 (4,842)
- Wii – 2,921 (3,806)
- Xbox 360 – 2,908 (1,339)
- PS2 – 1,187 (1,351)
- DS – 424 (568)
Let us know how you think Sony can increase sales in the comments below!