
Sony Exec Teases "Dozens" of PS Vita Games This Year

The fans of the Vita want games… have the publishers finally listened? Read inside…

More good Vita news is apparently on the way. Sony exec Shahid Kamal Ahmad tweeted a teaser about the future of the Vita this year:

"Dozens more games coming to Vita on my watch. Dozens. Hear me? DOZENS. Some seriously good games on their way this year. (And next)"

 Dozens of games? That's possibly 24-36. This isn’t the first from him, as we posted an article just last week about an “AMAZING” big title coming.

So the slow leak of gaming news is coming, but of course we only have speculations about most of those titles. What could the “dozens” be? Here are some we know...

Let us know what you think the games are in the comments below!
