
Upcoming Games Release Calendar for the PS Vita

Based on last weeks' poll, people were interested in a variety of upcoming games. US release dates  on those inside:

Sony has some big titles coming up for the Vita. They've got them spread out over the next months in a nice marketing fashion, too, so plan your spending wisely!

Dragon's Crown                                      -   August 6
Rayman Legends                                     -   September 3
Valhalla Knights 3                                   -   September 3
Killzone Mercenary                                 -  September 10
Tearaway                                                 -    October 22
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate    -   October 25
Ys: Memories of Celceta                        -     November 15
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster       -    December 31

Dragon's Crown!

Will Gamescom next month reveal any new surprise titles releasing before the holidays? We will keep you up to date on that from August 21-25.

How many Vita titles do you think you will get out of those listed above? Comment below.