Flower, flOw, Sound Shapes, and Escape Plan for the PS4 and Vita

The launch of the PS4 is bringing some great PS3 titles to the next gen, which includes our Vita too. More inside

Some old classics on the PS3 are making their way to the PS4 and Vita in less than a month. And not only that; those of you who have already purchased these games on the PS Store will be able to download them for free on any of the three PS systems.

I played the PS3 version of Flower and loved the fluid and artistic gameplay, and plus it was chill to play. I was excited to hear Flower was coming to the Vita awhile ago, but I didn't realize I would be able to get it for free since I bought the other version so long ago. Nice deal!

The same is true for classics like flOw, Escape Plan, and Sound Shapes. 

Look forward to playing Flower and Sound Shapes on the PS4 on November 15th when the system launches. Wait a couple more weeks for Escape Plan and flOw. on November 29th. 

Which are you looking forward to playing on the Vita and PS4? Let us know below

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