US PS+ Vita in November: Soul Sacrifice and Oddworld

Got Vita and PS+? November is looking to be an exciting month for you then. More inside

The US Official Playstation Blog put out their PS+ offerings for the month of November. It includes PS3, PS4, and Vita titles... that's a lot of bang for your buck. If you haven't gotten + yet, you may want to consider if (especially if you want to get all the features in your PS4 this month).

The Vita titles include Soul Sacrifice and Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD. Two solid games. 

There will also be two PS4 titles available at launch on the 15th, so if you have a PS4 and Vita, you'll be able to play them on Remote Play! Resogun, the spiritual successor to Super Stardust HD and contrast, a cool looking puzzle platformer. 

Which title are you most excited for to play on your Vita next month? Let us know below!

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