
May EU Playstation Plus Free PS Vita Games Revealed

Sony have announced the two free PS Vita games that will be available through European PS+ along with the free PS4 and PS3 games............

Everybody's Golf
the famous PS Vita launch title will be free to download next month with Playstation Plus. Everybody's Golf features solid gameplay and a handful of dynamic looking characters that are sure to put a smile on your face.

Muramasa Rebirth, Vanillaware's RPG is the second PS Vita game PS Plus members can download for free. It features a heap of colours which look fantastic on the OLED screen, not only this but the game features a ton of content to keep you occupied for hours.

Playstation 4 owners will also receive Stick It to the Man, while PS3 fans will obtain Puppeteer for free through the service.

Also I haves added some GIF's in this article. I am thinking of adding GIF's in some articles every now and then, do you like them? do they load quickly? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Let us know what free PS Vita game would get you to buy PS Plus in the comments below!
